Berlin marathon 作为世界7大满贯马拉松赛事之一(新增悉尼马拉松),无疑是每个马拉松爱好者的梦想。我第一次知道柏林马拉松,是在跑完第一个半程马拉松之后,当时疯狂地了解所有关于马拉松的一切,开始对柏林,伦敦,东京,波士顿,纽约,芝加哥产生向往。第一次对柏林马拉松产生真真切切的向往,是吉普乔戈在2019年的“Breaking 2”中打破2小时大关,让世人第一次见证人类有能力跑进2小时以内。然后基普乔格在2022年,在柏林打破世界纪录,以及第二年他大幅度提高自己保持的世界记录。
all those early starts, all those endurance runs, the tempo runs, the sacrifices that he’s made have all come down to this. His wife and children are watching back in Kenya. The crowds are going crazy. It’s history unfolding here on the streets of Berlin in the Sunshine. The double Olympic champion is the greatest marathon runner that we have ever seen in the history of the event.
Sunshine is out as he goes through the arches of the famous Brandenburg gate opened in 1711 and from here it’s 352 yard meters, less than a lap of the track. He’s been here so many times before the crowd going crazy. The sunshine is out and the stage is set for Eliud Kipchoge who for the first time looks over his shoulder. The victory is secure they had been threatening to come back at him one point we were talking about sub two hours at another point for much of the race we talked about a new world record. That’s not to be Eliud Kipchoge now is on his way to Victory number five here in Berlin. Another masterful performance on the streets of the German capital. And now he can enjoy his moment the pressure is off. Ken boy in the red is behind him what a race he’s had. He will bring him in a few minutes but he’s almost there. The finish line is there the last few meters for any of Kipchoge. A different race here in Berlin for the first time but it’s victory number five for Eliud Kipchoge, 2 and 2 40. the winning time the world record not bothered today he won’t mind. He moves ahead of HIghly Gabri Selassie with a fifth victory in total in Berlin. That’s 16 wins in 19 marathons.
多年之后,2024年9月29日 上午10:30分,鸣枪,起跑,我终于到达了这条路。前35km,顺顺利利,按照前30的配速完全有可能在4小时内跑完,可惜两条腿交替抽筋,在最后的10km,不得不交替走路和慢跑,最后1km的时候,在勃兰登堡门看到一条标语: