When talking about work life balance, what’s in your mind? It is the conflict, the stress, the deadline or something else? One thing I learned from my former supervisor and the current ones is that less is more, a sentence with Philosophical essences but it’s easy to understand.
If you want to achieve more, the best strategy is doing less because regulation resources are limited for everyone. If you put more resources in one aspect, you loss another. Someone will say that we can distribute our resources evenly to everything. But hold on, is it reasonable to do so? It may be achieveable for your life but not for your career. We all know that 10 thousand hours’ practice makes a master in one area. What you did before gives you what you deserve in the future. It’s the same for everyone. We must exclude everything that makes our life much more complex, and include things that makes our life easier.
Saying is onething but doing is another. We all know that. That’s what divides people into different social class. For example, what’s in my life right now? Let me analyse:watch football games; boardgames with friends; marathon training with George and DNA tenents; occational drinks and so on. I think they are perfect now as long as I devote myself 100% into the work from Monday to Saturday. Try to feel the fullfillment from everyday’s work. That’s the most important.